c.o.L.D.F.i.s.H : May 2004
Monday, May 31, 2004

If you guys ever go visit European... you guys must love all the city there... I always love the moment I went there... I've been to most of western-european city and I really wanna go back again :=)

The athmosphere, the city, the landmark, the people, the sunday-market... everything... I just can't write it down now... It just so unwritten able

Thank GOD I've a chance to celebrate every christmas in different city in Europe every year traveled with my family... It was such the best thing that ever happened to me... but now?? since we grown up, no more europe-family-trip... and since I'm in chicago now, I celebrate christmas go back home to Jakarta... pulang kampung bo!!! (kok jd ngebahas christmas sih???? hkaekhaekhaekahekhea)

Anyway... *sigh* kapan lagi yah gue bisa jln2 kliling europe... kota terakhir yg gue kunjungi tuh Madrid, Spain bulan November 2003... itu jg cuma seminggu jln2 kesana & kurang puas !!!!!!! Even it was my 2nd trip to Madrid, but still kurang puas...

Kadang yah... gue mikir... ntar kalo gue udah tua... gue pengennya tinggal di salah satu kota di Europe... terserah deh mo dimana aja.. as long as di Europe... tapi yah susah jg... kalo udah tua... jgn2 ntar gue pengennya malah di Jakarta... kekekehehehehe

Anyway, gara2 nonton film di TV yg settingnya di europe.... gue kayaknya hrs segera bikin planning jln2 ke europe lagih... ada yg mau nyumbang duit gaaa???!! :D
posted by Cha-- @ 2:08 AM 
Sunday, May 30, 2004
THE REASON by Hoobastank

i'm not a perfect person
there are many things i wish i didn't do
but i continue learning
i never meant to do those things to you
and so i have to say before i go
that i just want you to know

i've found a reason for me
to change who i used to be
a reason to start over new
and the reason is you
(i've found a reason to show
a side of me you didn't know
a reason for all that i do
and the reason is you)

i'm sorry that i hurt
it's something i must live with everyday
and all the pain i put you through
i wish that i could take it all away
and be the one who catches all your tears
and that's why i need you to hear


i'm not a perfect person
i never meant to those things to you
and so i ahve to say before i go
that i just want you to know


I just suddenly love this song... it just sooooo deep!!!
posted by Cha-- @ 12:48 AM 
Thursday, May 27, 2004

Kadang kita bertanya dlm hati & menyalahkan Tuhan, "apa yg telah saya lakukan sampai saya harus mengalami ini semua ?" atau "kenapa Tuhan membiarkan ini semua terjadi pada saya ?"

Here is a wonderful explanation...

Seorang anak memberitahu ibunya kalau segala sesuatu tidak berjalan seperti yang dia harapkan. Dia mendapatkan nilai jelek dalam raport, putus dengan pacarnya, dan sahabat terbaiknya pindah ke luar kota. Saat itu ibunya sedang membuat kue, dan menawarkan apakah anaknya mau mencicipinya, dengan senang hati dia berkata, "Tentu saja, I love your cake."

"Nih, cicipi mentega ini," kata Ibunya menawarkan.
"Yaiks," ujar anaknya.
"Bagaimana dgn telur mentah ?"
"You're kidding me, Mom."
"Mau coba tepung terigu atau baking soda ?"
"Mom, semua itu menjijikkan."

Lalu Ibunya menjawab, "ya, semua itu memang kelihatannya tidak enak jika dilihat satu per satu. Tapi jika dicampur jadi satu melalui satu proses yang benar, akan menjadi kue yang enak."

Tuhan bekerja dengan cara yang sama. Seringkali kita bertanya kenapa Dia membiarkan kita melalui masa-masa yang sulit dan tidak menyenangkan. Tapi Tuhan tahu jika Dia membiarkan semuanya terjadi satu per satu sesuai dgn rancanganNya, segala sesuatunya akan menjadi sempurna tepat pada waktunya. Kita hanya perlu percaya proses ini diperlukan untuk menyempurnakan hidup kita.

Tuhan teramat sangat mencintai kita. Dia mengirimkan bunga setiap musim semi, sinar matahari setiap pagi. Setiap saat kita ingin bicara, Dia akan mendengarkan. Dia ada setiap saat kita membutuhkanNya, Dia ada di setiap tempat, dan Dia memilih untuk berdiam di hati kita.

GOD Blees you all... :D
posted by Cha-- @ 10:17 PM 
Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Bu Sri, seorang guru kelas satu SD NingNong, sangat kesal dengan seorang muridnya yang bernama Joko.

Bu Sri: "Joko, mengapa kamu tidak mau mengikuti pelajaran di kelas?"
Joko: "Saya anak cerdas, pelajaran kelas satu terlalu mudah untuk saya, bahkan saya dapat mengerjakan semua soal punya kakak saya yang dikelas tiga. Seharusnya saya ada dikelas tiga juga!"

Bu Sri merasa kesal. Ditariklah si Joko ini ke ruang Kepala Sekolah.
Ketika si Joko menunggu di depan ruang Kepala Sekolah, Bu Sri menjelaskan pada Pak Amir, Kepala Sekolah NingNong, mengenai kelakuan muridnya yang bernama Joko ini. Pak Amir kemudian ingin mengetahui seberapa pandai si Joko ini sehingga ia berkeinginan ditempatkan di kelas tiga, apabila ia tidak dapat menjawab test yang diberikan oleh Pak Amir, maka ia harus kembali sebagai murid kelas satu dan berkelakuan yang sepantasnya, atau apabila tidak menurut maka orang-tuanya harus dipanggil. Bu Sri setuju.

Pak Amir: "Joko, berapa 3x3?"
Joko: "9!"
Pak Amir: "Berapa 6x6?"
Joko: "36!"
Kemudian Pak Amir memberikan test-test berikutnya sesuai dengan mata pelajaran kelas tiga SD dan semua pertanyaan tersebut dapat dijawab dengan benar oleh sang genius Joko.

Pak Amir lalu berkata pada Bu Sri: "Saya rasa Joko dapat langsung dipindahkan ke kelas tiga."

Bu Sri: "Pak Amir, mohon tunda dahulu keputusan ini. Saya akan memberikan beberapa pertanyaan lagi pada Joko"
Pak Amir dan Joko setuju.

Bu Sri: "Joko, apa yang dimiliki sebanyak empat buah oleh seekor sapi sedangkan saya hanya punya dua?"
Dengan cepat Joko menjawab: "Kaki!"

Bu Sri: "Apa yang ada dicelanamu tapi tak ada di celana saya?"
Joko: "Saku!"

Bu Sri: "Coba tebak sebuah benda dalam bahasa Inggris yang dimulai dengan huruf 'C' dan diakhiri huruf 'T', dimana bend a tersebut berambut, bulat, lonjong, dan mengandung cairan berwarna putih?"
Joko: "Coconut!"

Kening Pak Amir berkerut dengan mata membelalak...

Bu Sri: "Benda apa yang dimasukan dalam keadaan keras, kemudian memerah, dan dikeluarkan setelah lembek dan lengket?"
Joko: "Permen karet!"

Bu Sri: "Apa yang dilakukan pria dalam kondisi berdiri, wanita dengan duduk, dan anjing dengan satu kaki diangkat?"
Joko: "Jabatan tangan!"

Bu Sri: "Sekarang saya akan bertanya mengenai 'Siapa saya',okay?"
Joko: "Ya, Bu Sri."

Bu Sri: "Kamu memasukan tiang kamu pada saya. Kamu mengikat saya untuk membangkitkan saya. Saya basah sebelum kamu basah. Siapa saya?"
Joko: "Tenda!"

Bu Sri: "Sebuah jari memasuki saya. Kamu menggerakan si jari tersebut.
Pengantin pria adalah yang pertama melakukannya. Siapa saya?"
Joko: "Cincin Kawin!"

Bu Sri: "Saya terdiri dari berbagai ukuran. Ketika saya sakit, cairan menetes. Siapa saya?"
Joko: "Hidung!"

Bu Sri: "Saya mempunyai pentung an keras. Ujungku dapat menembus. Siapa saya?"
Joko: "Panah!"

Bu Sri: "Saya test kamu dalam bahasa Inggris lagi. Sebutkan sebuah
kata yang dimulai dengan huruf 'F' dan diakhiri huruf 'K' yang dapat memberikan kenikmatan?"
Joko: "Firetruck!"

Pak Amir langsung menyela Bu Sri supaya tidak menanyai Joko lebih lanjut sambil berkata: "Bu Sri, taruh Joko di kelas lima. Dia lebih pandai dari saya dimana jawaban saya untuk sepuluh pertanyaan terakhir tidak ada yang benar..!!"
posted by Cha-- @ 11:09 PM 
Monday, May 24, 2004

Menjelang Berakhirnya Program Penjaminan Pemerintah atas Simpanan Dana Pihak Ketiga di Perbankan Nasional Periode 31 January 2004 & Di bubarkannya BPPN, Nasabah saat ini harus pandai - pandai menilai & Memilih Bank Yg sehat sebagai Partner, dalam Aktivitas Usaha ataupun Tempat utk Menyimpan Dana......

Dengan Di Bubarkannya BPPN pada February 2004 maka Berarti Tidak Akan Ada Lagi lembaga yg akan Menyelamatkan Bank - Bank sakit atau Sekarat.

Peryataan dari Dirjen Lembaga Keuangan yg secara tersirat menyatakan akan ada Beberapa Bank lagi yag akan TUTUP.

Berikut Daftar - Daftar Bank Yg Akan Tutup...:
1. Bank Nasional Indonesia ( BNI )
2. Bank Rakyat Indonesia ( BRI )
3. Bank Mandiri
4. Bank Tabungan Negara ( BTN )
5. Bank Danamon
6. Bank Central Asia ( BCA )
7. Bank Internsional Indonesia ( BII )
9. Bank Niaga
10.Bank ABN
12.Bank HSBC
13.Bank Panin
14.Bank Standard Chatered

Bank - bank tersebut di atas akan TUTUP sore hari setiap harinya sekitar PKl 17.00 & akan Buka Besok Paginya setiap harinya Pkl. 08.00

Demikian Pemberitahuan ini kami sampaikan, agar Maklum adanya....

Serius Amat Sich Bacanya....Hhkaehkhekekekeheheee
posted by Cha-- @ 8:02 AM 
Thursday, May 20, 2004
Good Apples

Women are like apples on trees.

The best ones are at the top of the tree.

Most men don't want to reach for the good ones because they are afraid of falling and getting hurt. Instead, they just get the rotten apples from the ground that aren't as good, but easy.......

So the apples at the top think something is wrong with them, when in reality, they're amazing. They just have to wait for the right man to come along, the one who's brave enough to climb all the way to the top of the tree.


Men are like a fine wine.
They start out as grapes,and it's up to women to stomp the shit out of them until they turn into something acceptable to have dinner with :P

Don't take the last part too seriously..ok guys :)
posted by Cha-- @ 11:27 PM 
Tuesday, May 18, 2004
Seorang bijak pernah berkata, bahwa ada dua hari dalam hidup ini yang sama sekali tak perlu kamu khawatirkan.

Yang pertama: hari kemarin.
Kamu tak bisa mengubah apa pun yang telah terjadi. Kamu tak bisa menarik perkataan yang telah terucapkan. Kamu tak mungkin lagi menghapus kesalahan; dan mengulangi kegembiraan yang kamu rasakan kemarin. Biarkan hari kemarin lewat; lepaskan saja.

Yang kedua: hari esok.
Hingga mentari esok hari terbit, kamu tak tahu apa yang akan terjadi. Kamu tak bisa melakukan apa-apa esok hari. Kamu tak mungkin sedih atau ceria di esok hari. Esok hari belum tiba; biarkan saja.

Yang tersisa kini hanyalah hari ini.
Pintu masa lalu telah tertutup; pintu masa depan pun belum tiba. Pusatkan saja diri kamu untuk hari ini. Kamu dapat mengerjakan lebih banyak hal hari ini bila kamu mampu memaafkan hari kemarin dan melepaskan ketakutan akan esok hari.

Hiduplah hari ini. Karena, masa lalu dan masa depan hanyalah permainan pikiran yang rumit. Hiduplah apa adanya. Karena yang ada hanyalah hari ini; hari ini yang abadi.

Kata Bijak :
Perlakukan setiap orang dengan kebaikan hati dan rasa hormat, meski mereka berlaku buruk pada anda. Ingatlah bahwa anda menunjukkan penghargaan pada orang lain bukan karena siapa mereka, tetapi karena siapakah diri anda sendiri.
posted by Cha-- @ 12:20 PM 
Sunday, May 16, 2004

Romance, even under the best of circumstances, is something of a leap of faith. Once you cut through the hearts and flowers, the flirty looks and lingering kisses, the darndest things come along to stir up trouble. There's his nocturnal habit of leaving you to discover in the worst possible way that the toilet seat was left up. Again. There's her refusal to take you at your word when she asks what you're thinking and you reply "nothing." We won't even talk about the in-laws ... and you know whose I mean.

But what about religion? Can couples successfully leap over differences in that most basic area of faith? For most people, this is a matter both of personal conviction and family tradition ... but as intermarriage has become more common in the past century, have people's ideas about religion changed?

For me myself, religion is VERY important thing for my relationship. This is all about my personal belived to my Almighty... about I wanna share my love, my day and most of my time with someone who has the same religion with me so that we can built our relationship in the same foundation.

What about you?
posted by Cha-- @ 9:40 PM 
Saturday, May 15, 2004

Have you guys ever read the story (or watch movie) about "Helen of Troy" ??? This movie... "Troy" gives the same story about Paris (Prince of Troy) who fall in love to Helen (Queen of Sparta), and since Paris stole Helen from her husband, King Menelaus (The King of Sparta), he feels that it is an insult that cannot be suffered.

Familial pride dictates that an affront to Menelaus is an affront to his brother Agamemnon, powerful King of the Mycenaeans, who soon unites all the massive tribes of Greece to steal Helen back from Troy in defense of his brother honor.

In truth, Agamemnon’s pursuit of honor is corrupted by his overwhelming greed – he needs to conquer Troy to seize control of the Aegean, thus ensuring the supremacy of his already vast empire. The walled city, under the leadership of King Priam and defended by mighty Prince Hector, is a citadel that no army has ever been able to breach. One man alone stands as the key to victory or defeat over Troy – Achilles, believed to be the greatest warrior alive.

Arrogant, rebellious and seemingly invincible, Achilles has allegiance to nothing and no one, save his own glory. It is his insatiable hunger for eternal renown that leads him to attack the gates of Troy under Agamemnon’s banner – but it will be love that ultimately decides his fate.

Two worlds will go to war for honor and power. Thousands will fall in pursuit of glory. And for love, a nation will burn to the ground.

Inti ceritanya... cuma gara2 si Paris kecentilan ngerebut bini orang, terjadilah perang gila2an... yg membumi hanguskan kerajaan Troy *sigh* ... yg hidup hanyalah si Paris & Helen... yg laen2 mati smua!!! (plus bbrp orang2 ga penting jg idup)

Paris --- Orlando Bloom
Hector --- Eric Bana
Achilles --- Brad Pitt

Gue demen liat si Brad Pitt disini keren abis.... *slurrpyy* di film ini, si Achilles (Brad Pitt) fall in love ama Briseis (Rose Byrne) yg alias sepupunya si Paris & Hector... aduh so sweet skaleeeeeey ... huhuhuhuhuhu

This movie... WORTH TO WATCH!!
posted by Cha-- @ 11:27 AM 
Friday, May 14, 2004

Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy,
it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are.
The olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae.
The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm.
Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef,
but the wrod as a wlohe.
Amzanig huh!
posted by Cha-- @ 3:27 AM 
Thursday, May 13, 2004
As I promised ...

For people who's born on APRIL

* Active and dynamic
* Decisive and haste but tends to regret
* Attractive and affectionate to oneself
* Strong mentality
* Loves attention
* Diplomatic
* Consoling
* Friendly and solves people's problems
* Brave and fearless
* Adventurous
* Loving and caring
* Suave and generous
* Emotional
* Revengeful
* Aggressive
* Hasty
* Good memory
* Moving
* Motivate one-self and the others
* Sickness usually of the head and chest
* Easily get too jealous

And for you who's born on MAY

* Stubborn and hard-hearted
* Strong-willed and highly motivated
* Sharp thoughts
* Easily angered
* Attracts others and loves attention
* Deep feelings
* Beautiful physically and mentally
* Firm standpoint
* Easily influenced
* Needs no motivation
* Easily consoled
* Systematic (left brain)
* Loves to dream
* Strong clairvoyance
* Understanding
* Sickness usually in the ear and neck
* Good imagination
* Good debating skills
* Good physical
* Weak breathing
* Loves literature and the arts
* Loves traveling
* Dislike being at home
* Restless
* Not having many children
* Hardworking
* High-spirited
* Spendthrift

posted by Cha-- @ 12:26 AM 
Tuesday, May 11, 2004

My mood swings so bad today... I just feel tired and easy to get anger... I don't know it's because today is monday? or because I need more sleep? or because somethin' else?

and by the end... I'm totally screw up thinking that tomorrow I'll start my summer class which is I HATE IT SO MUCH !!! I don't know why... 'coz now I feel so goddammm bored with school... with homeworks... with papers... with exams... with TEXT-BOOKS !!! and all that stuff... and I'm so surprise with people who never get bored with school stuff... I'M SURPRISE !!!


I feel like I wanna scream ... hmm nuh-uh (scream won't heal my sorrow now).... I feel like I wanna jump from the bridge (suicide?) ... nuh-uh... actually I think... I wanna be a millionaire.... so that I don't have to go to school and I don't have to be worry about my future financial thingy (solve problems?).... hmm actually nuh-uh... I think... huhmmm.. I think all I need is someone who can give me more support (mentally, physically & spiritually) to finish my study.... Is that all??? NO !!!! I think... I need to sleep now.... ZzzZzzZzZzzzZZzzzzz
posted by Cha-- @ 12:23 AM 
Sunday, May 09, 2004

All the little thing you've done to me... loved, snuggled, tickled, hoped, encouraged, believed, trusted, surprised, comforted, applauded .... ADD UP TO A WORLD of "LOVE"

Tugas seorang ibu adalah tugas yg paling mulia (selain tugas seorang guru....) dr mulai ibu kita mengandung kita2 selama 9 bulan.... dan itu bukan bulan2 yg gampang dilewati.... tidur susah... (mesti miring samping... ), mo mandi susah ... (ga bisa gosok2 badan sendiri lagi) ... pake baju serba salah ... (walaupun skrg udah banyak yg jual baju2 maternity)... ah pokoke ga kebayang deh !! udah gitu... anaknya lahir... di kasih ASI, di jagain pagi-siang-sore-malem .... cengeng disayang2... kalo sakit di jagain... kebangun tengah mlm minta minum.... udah mulai gede... anak2 udah mulai bisa nge-jawabin si ibu.... mulai ngelawan... dikasih nasehat malah nuduh si ibu yg ga pengertian ama anak2nya.... dan masi banyak seribu macem hal2 yg bikin si ibu jadi sedih.....

and I suddenly remember my mom... yg di jauh di Jakarta.... yg gue amat sangat kangeni setiap saat.... karena I've a wonderful-cool-funky mom ever in this world.... nyokap gue itu orang yg paling mengerti gue.... nyokap gue yg paling cool di saat2 gue masih SMA dia paling akrab ama smua temen2 gue, nyokap yg anter-jemput gue kalo gue mo latihan nge-band ama temen2 SMA (disaat bokap gue yg menentang abis2an anak cewe'nya ikutan maen band).... nyokap gue yg paling ngertiin disaat gue lagi demen2nya ke disco & HARUS pergi keluar rumah kalo malem minggu (& slalu ngebacking gue kalo bokap marah2 gara2 pulang subuh2).... nyokap yg selalu kasih kepercayaan penuh ama gue disetiap langkah gue.... nyokap gue yg ngajarin gue nyetir mobil..... huhuhuhuhu I miss you so much mom!!!

Skarang... semenjak gue liat sendiri gimana perjuangan seorang ibu yg baru punya baby.... gmn capeknya & kurang tidurnya mereka tp harus tetep sabar disaat baby nya cengeng.... gue jadi ngerasain banget gimana perasaan nyokap gue kalo gue ga nurut & ngelawan disaat dia menasehati gue wkt gue masi bandel2nya dulu.... *sigh* PASTI SEDIH BOOO' !!!

I've give nuthin' to my mom 'til now.... all I can do just wish for her health so that I've time to give my best for her.... smoga gue dikasih kesempatan utk berbakti & membalas budi mu mom.... HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY....
posted by Cha-- @ 12:55 AM 
Friday, May 07, 2004

The much anticipated finale episode on NBC signed off with an episode of surprises. But one story line turned out exactly as fans expected....

Ross & Rachel realized they loved each other and pledged to stay together "for good". Rachel intially brushed of Ross's sentimental airport confession but fought her way off the plane bound for Paris to return home. (d'oooooh !!!)

Monica & Chandler as they packed their belongings to leave New York. They had been expecting to adopt a baby throughout the final season so it wasn't shock that there was a hospital scene and a birth. But the twist came as the couple had twins -- a boy and a girl, or "one of each", as Chandler described it.

Phoebe finished the show happily married. She agreed to have children with her husband, as many as he wants.

The one character who did not find closure was Joey. Viewers know he must be going to Los Angeles to pursue his acting career because NBC has already added the spin-off "Joey" to its fall schedule.

Ga terasa sitcom "friends" udah 10 taun berkibar (benderaaa kali!! ) ... personally gue dr yg tadinya semangat nonton awal2nya, lama2 jadi agak bosen & mulai makin jarang nonton & akhir2nya berhubung bentrok ama jadwal sekolah, jadi deh ga pernah nonton, tp untungnya pas di episode terakhir ini gue sempet nonton... sedih jg sitcom ini abis.... ga ada lagi ke-konyolan si Joey, ke-polosan Phoebe etc etc etc ...

Oh iya, btw postingan kali ini dedicated buat a friend who was complaining about my blog yg katanya hanya membahas soal cinta & soal menjelek2an laki2.... well.... KAYAKNYA ENGGAK DEEEH YEEEEE... hehehehehhehe but still thanks for your complaint tho' *getok pake palu* and not to forget to wish a Happy Birthday (May 6) for two of my friends: Ery & Ardo
posted by Cha-- @ 12:11 AM 
Wednesday, May 05, 2004

I guess this is quite true.... *ehem* ......

Apakah telapak tangan kamu berkeringat, hati kamu
deg-degan, suara kamu nyangkut di dalam
tenggorokan kamu?
Hal itu bukanlah cinta, tapi suka.

Tangan kamu tidak dapat berhenti memegang dan
Hal itu bukanlah cinta, tapi birahi.

Apakah kamu bangga dan selalu ingin memamerkannya
kepada semua orang?
Hal itu bukanlah cinta, tapi kamu sedang mujur.

Apakah kamu menginginkannya karena kamu tahu dia
akan selalu disamping kamu?
Hal itu bukanlah cinta, tapi kesepian.

Apakah kamu masih bersama dia karena semua orang
Hal itu bukanlah cinta, tapi kesetiaan.

Apakah kamu menerima pernyataan cintanya karena
kamu tidak mau menyakiti hatinya?
Hal itu bukanlah cinta, tapi rasa kasihan.

Apakah kamu bersedia untuk memberikan semua yang
kamu sukai deminya?
Hal itu bukanlah cinta, tapi kemurahan hati.


Apakah kamu masih bersamanya karena campuran dari
rasa nyeri dan kegembiraan yang tidak dapat
digambarkan dan sangat membutakan?
Itulah cinta.

Apakah kamu masih menerima kesalahan mereka,
karena hal itu adalah bagian dari kepribadiannya?
Itulah cinta.

Apakah kamu tertarik pada orang lain tapi masih
bersamanya dengan setia?
Itulah cinta.

Apakah kamu rela memberikan hati kamu, kehidupan
kamu, dan kematian kamu?
Itulah cinta.

Apakah hati kamu tercabik bila dia sedih?
Itulah cinta.

Apakah kamu menangis untuk kepedihannya biarpun
dia cukup tegar?
Itulah cinta.

Apakah matanya melihat hati kamu yang
sesungguhnya, dan menyentuh jiwa kamu secara
dalam sekali sampai terasa nyeri?
Itulah cinta.

Sekarang, kalau kita tahu bahwa cinta itu
menyakitkan dan menyiksa kita sebegitu rupa, lalu
kenapa kita masih juga mencintai?

Mengapa hal ini adalah hal yang kita cari dan
ingini? Semua penyiksaan ini, sebuah kematian
terhadap ego dan kepribadian sendiri? Mengapa?
Semua ini disebabkan oleh.... CINTA.
posted by Cha-- @ 11:43 PM 
Tuesday, May 04, 2004

I found this "Pisces" result from a search engine.... (try here)

Symbol: The Fish
Sign Style: Water
Color of Choice: Light Green
Personality Plus: Imaginative, compassionate, selfless, kind, intuitive
The Downside: Idealistic to a fault, escapist, secretive, weak-willed

Relationship Advice: You wear your heart on your sleeve and you're no stranger to have it broken. But it's not a huge deal for you. Falling in and out of love comes easily to dreamers, but when you find the right sweetie to sweep you of your feet, you'll know it. And your once cloudy romantic future, will become crystal clear.

Most Compatible With: Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, Capricorn

Taurus??? ----- huhmm it might work
Cancer??? ----- Hell yeaaa *wink*
Scorpio??? ----- Stubborn as hell.... cant stand it no more
Capricorn??? ----- No thanks! it WON'T work at all

I think Pisces might work with Virgo too....
posted by Cha-- @ 1:15 AM 
Sunday, May 02, 2004

I went to Madison, Wisconsin (find-out-here) for this weekend. Madison is a small city (for me!), which is I don't think I wanna live there. The environment was kindda a-school-life, where is approx 30,000 students go to University of Wisconsin-Madison (UW). The weekend life in campus-area were so alive 'coz when I was there, there were party all over the place... crowded... beers... pizzas... music... (i like it tho' seeing all the students went crazy reminds me about myself long long long time ago... hihihihi).... the weather kindda chilly... but it was okay... the city was sucks... no offense guys!! Anyway... i'm bushed... time to hit the sack... ZzzZZzZZzzz
posted by Cha-- @ 11:19 PM